Choose from Daily Group Classes or Private Lessons

Group training sessions are open to all levels and abilities, however if you are completely NEW to Muay Thai then we kindly request you book 2 private lessons initially to grasp the basics.

Private lessons are based on a similar schedule to the group sessions, but are personalized to suit your individual needs allowing you to focus more on specific areas you want to develop. Whether this is just perfecting basic steps, or more technical precision.

All training is adapted to suit individual needs and goals. Whether you’re new to Muay Thai or a professional fighter looking to prepare for a fight we’re more than capable of meeting all your needs.

Group Session Times

Afternoon 17:00 to 18:30

Monday to Saturday (Sundays day off)

Group Training Schedule

A typical group training session will include a combination of the following:

Warm Up

Approximately 30 Minutes

Running, Skipping, Tyre Jumps, Stretching, Squats, Lunges, Yoga

Technical Training

Muay Thai Boxing, Clinching, Shadow Boxing, Kick Bags, Kick Pads, Technique perfecting, Sparring

Conditioning Exercises

10 – 500 repetitions depending on your fitness level and ability

Push Kick, Kick Bag, Knee Bag, Punch Bag, Sprints, Push Ups, Sit Ups, Bar Pull Ups, Neck Strengthening, Weights