Step 1
Fill in Contact Form below with your information and preferred travel dates along with any extra information you think is necessary and any questions you might have.
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Our experts take great pride in helping you to achieve your goals. Contact us today:
Step 2
Por Promin will reply to you usually within 24 hours and once you’ve discussed and decided what accommodation and training you want and are happy with the price Por Promin will send you an invoice for 50% deposit via their PayPal account.
Step 3
You pay the deposit with either your debit or credit card, or if you’re a PayPal member you can choose to pay that way.
Step 4
Por Promin will write to you to confirm your deposit has been received and that you’re booked in.
You don’t have to be a member of PayPal to book with Por Promin. You can easily use your regular bank card or credit card (just like buying something online) to pay the PayPal Invoice. Please note in order to keep our prices as low as they are but still allow customers the option of a peace of mind booking system we do add 5% to all invoices to cover the fee’s PayPal charge us to receive your money.